Written to Graceland by Paul Simon
A father carries pictures where his money used to be.
- Author Unknown
Esben Hesketh agrees to join Fazenda Alfheim as Farm Manager
Vargem Grande, Brazil—December 10, 2009 —Fazenda Alfheim® today announced that Esben Hesketh, 21-year-old middle son of Rance Hesketh and Lone Blichert-Hansen, has agreed to join Fazenda Afheim as Farm Manager upon completion of his BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Management from Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, UK, in June 2010.
“Esben is obviously doing a terrific job at RAC, having completed his first two years at the top of his class, and we look forward to his contributions as a member of the Fazenda Alfheim team,” said Rance Hesketh, Fazenda Alfheim's Minister of Mischief. “We think Esben’s insights and experience will be very valuable in helping to guide Fazenda Alheim in the years ahead.”
“Fazenda Alfheim is one of the organizations in the world that I most admire,” said Esben Hesketh. “I'm really looking forward to working with Rance and Lone and the Fazenda Alfheim team to help with all of the amazing things they are doing.”
Fazenda Alfheim ignited the organic piglet revolution in Brazil in 2009 with its IBD-certified Duroc/Large White/Landrace cross, and it continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning restuarant partnerships.
haha GREAT blog! I am looking very much forward to coming down and helping out.
And needless to say the mother is thrilled!
Davis, nice offer on the buffalo - does it catch mountain lions?.... otherwise its probably a bull too far. but thanks for the offer ;-)
Congratulations!!! Thrilled to read such great news! Can't wait to have Es over for dinner along with Lone once a month! Splendid!
Very nice news indeed :-), and a good blog too :-). Though I do not know if your claims to be a minister for mischief can be backed up :P.
Lots of love
Pelle throwing down the gauntlet! Congratulations on filling the position, though I heard there are rumours you face a tough battle to get your nomination confirmed after allegations of insurance fraud surfaced the other week... Ess knows what I'm talking about!
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